How to predict the future?

Bartile Emmanuel
2 min readOct 16, 2021

Imagine a world, where all information and data are known in advance. This is actually can become a reality.

According to the Howard Community College website, there are 250 words on a page when it’s double-spaced: assuming 1-inch margins on an 8.5- x 11-inch page, Times New Roman font, and 12-point font in terms of size. I’m going to assume that’s six characters per word (based on this source: Average Number of Characters Per Word) including the spaces. And it would be double that if you had single-spaced pages.

I‘ll do the math for you: 500 Words × 6 characters/word= 3000 characters. That means there would be 3000 characters on a single-spaced page assuming those margins and font sizes, and font type listed above. Halve that if you double-space it.

A computer system normally stores characters using ASCII code. Each character is stored using eight bits of information, giving a total number of 256 different characters (2**8 = 256). These range from letters, numbers, symbols, and so on.

To cut long story short, using very many computers. Theoretically, we can write every scenario about any book or event that has ever existed or will exist.

Let me explain. Every page has letters, numbers, and symbols arranged in a specific order to make sense. Using the permutations and combinations. The can exists 256³⁰⁰⁰ different pages that can exist. 256 characters and 3000 spaces to fill on a page. Those are very many pages.

Using natural language and artificial intelligence. We can sort out pages that make sense and rank them higher in the database.

And boom. All knowledge can be available to man without thinking.

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